
تمكين نفسك من خلال إدارة المعرفة الشخصية بقلم دكتور/عبد الكريم درويش

تمكين نفسك من خلال إدارة المعرفة الشخصية  بقلم  دكتور/عبد الكريم درويش  تشير إدارة المعرفة الشخصية (Personal Knowledge Management PKM) إلى عملية جمع المعرفة وتطويرها وتنظيمها ودمجها وإدارتها واسترجاعها للاستخدام الشخصي و / أو الاستخدام المهني والتعلم. إنها مجموعة من الاستراتيجيات والأدوات التي يستخدمها الأفراد لإدارة معارفهم بفعالية. تعتبر PKM ذات أهمية خاصة في عالم اليوم الغني بالمعلومات وسريع الخطى، حيث يتعرض الأفراد باستمرار لكمية هائلة من البيانات ويحتاجون إلى البقاء منظمين لفهمها. قد تشمل المكونات الرئيسية لإدارة المعرفة الشخصية ما يلي: (1) جمع المعلومات: جمع المعلومات ذات الصلة من مصادر مختلفة مثل الكتب والمقالات والمواقع الإلكترونية والوسائط الأخرى. (2) التنظيم: هيكلة المعلومات وتصنيفها بطريقة تجعل من السهل العثور عليها واسترجاعها عند الحاجة. قد يتضمن ذلك إنشاء مجلدات أو علامات أو أنظمة تنظيمية أخرى. (3) تدوين الملاحظات: تسجيل الأفكار الشخصية والرؤى والنقاط الرئيسية من المعلومات التي تم جمعها والمعرفة التي تم إنشاؤها. يمكن القيام بذلك من خلال طرق تدوين الملاحظات ال...

Utilizing Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) for a Job Progression and Career Path

  Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is particularly relevant to various professions and jobs, as it provides individuals with a systematic approach to acquiring, organizing, and leveraging information. The application of PKM in a job context can enhance productivity, decision-making, and continuous learning. Here are some ways in which PKM relates to different jobs:   1. Research and Development Professionals:     - PKM can help researchers and developers stay updated on the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and scientific discoveries.     - Effective organization of research findings and collaboration with colleagues can be facilitated through PKM tools, enhancing the overall R&D process.   2. Knowledge Workers and Information Professionals:     - Individuals in roles that involve managing and disseminating information can benefit from PKM in terms of organizing databases, creating effective information...

Personal Knowledge Management PKM By Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish

  Empowering Yourself Through Personal Knowledge Management Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) refers to the process of collecting, developing, organizing, integrating, managing, and retrieving knowledge for personal use or/and professional use and learning. It is a set of strategies and tools that individuals use to manage their own knowledge effectively. PKM is particularly relevant in today's information-rich and fast-paced world, where individuals are constantly exposed to a vast amount of data and need to stay organized to make sense of it. Key components of Personal Knowledge Management may include: Information Collection: Gathering relevant information from various sources such as books, articles, websites, and other media. Organization: Structuring and categorizing information in a way that makes it easy to find and retrieve when needed. This may involve creating folders, tags, or other organizational systems. Note-taking: Recording personal thoughts, insights, and key poi...

Data is an Intangible Asset, therefore, we need to manage it well! By Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish

 Data is an Intangible Asset, therefore, we need to manage it well!  By Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish Valuing intangible assets can be an interesting business, as they lack the physical form of tangible assets like machinery or buildings. However, they can play a crucial role in a company's success, often contributing significantly to brand recognition, competitive advantage, and future earnings potential. Therefore, accurately assessing their worth is essential for investors, lenders, and businesses themselves. Here are some key points to understand the types of Intangible Assets: Intellectual Property: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and proprietary technology. Brand Value and Goodwill: Reputation, customer loyalty, brand recognition, and market perception. Human Capital: Employee skills, knowledge, and expertise. Customer Relationships: Customer base, contracts, and future revenue potential. Data and Information: Databases, customer ins...

What is the DIKW pyramid? By Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish

What is the DIKW pyramid? By  Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish   Data, information, knowledge, and wisdom! These concepts are often discussed together, forming a hierarchy known as the DIKW pyramid. Let's explore each level and their relationship: Data: The base of the pyramid. It's raw, unprocessed facts and figures, the building blocks of everything else. Think numbers, observations, measurements, or text without context. Information: Raw data gets organized and contextualized to become information. It answers basic questions like "who," "what," "where," and "when." Imagine data points arranged with meaning, like a spreadsheet or a categorized list. Knowledge: Information gets analyzed and interpreted to become knowledge. It answers "how" and "why" questions, revealing patterns, trends, and relationships. You can see knowledge as understanding gained from information, like insights from research or experience. Wisdom: ...

Dr. Abdelkarim A. Darwish's Profile

  ·      Who is Dr. Abdelkarim Darwish, see: ·        Google Scholar Profile.( Clickhere ) ·        ORCID Profile.( Clickhere ) University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). ( Clickhere ) Web of Science ResearcherID  AGZ-8117-2022  

Growing food in the Australian desert with sunlight and seawater - the S...
